Hope In Motion:

Moving Towards a Seeable Future



Click below to read about us in the newspapers.




Read about our day-to-day adventures at RAGBRAI!





Make a donation to the Curing Retinal Blindness Foundation. All proceeds will go to the CRB1 Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution will help:

  1. Advance Lionel's gene therapy towards clinical trials.

  2. Provide resources and information for families affected by CRB1.




About Hope In Motion

Center Picture features members of the Hope in Motion team. Left: Xiao Hong, Lionel’s mother Top: John Murray, Lionel’s Godfather Center: Lionel   Right: Sean Scullin, Lionel’s father.

希望在运动团队成员:左边:肖虹(肖璟立Lionel的母亲) 顶部:约翰·默里(肖璟立Lionel的教父);中间:肖璟立Lionel ;右边:肖恩·斯卡林(肖璟立Lionel的父亲)。

Welcome to "Hope in Motion." Our incredible team is gearing up for our next adventure: pedaling 434 miles for the 2024 RAGBRAI ride across the state of Iowa, with the goal of achieving the following objectives:


1. Restoring Vision: Together, we're dedicated to raising necessary funds that will advance treatments for individuals born with retinal blindness. By supporting cutting-edge research and medical breakthroughs, we aim to bring effective treatments to those affected by CRB1 gene mutations and their families. Help out today by clicking on the link and donating to the curing retinal blindness foundation. Our goal for this upcoming charity ride will be to raise $10,000.



恢复视力:我们致力于筹集必要的资金,以推动治疗先天性视网膜盲病变的研究。通过支持前沿研究和医学突破,我们旨在为受影响的患和他们的家庭带来有效的治疗。请点击以下链接,捐赠给视网膜研究基金会,感谢您提供帮助。 https://www.crb1.org/get-involved/donate/。


2. Changing Perspectives: We believe in creating a world where blind children and adults around the world have access to increased resources, cultural acceptance, and elevated expectations. By challenging misconceptions and advocating for independence, we strive to build a more empathetic and understanding society. For more information on how to support this cause, please copy and paste the following link https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ITGRUe4HsAH-RI2QbjY7-Q. The Chengdu low-eye vision group's information is in Chinese.


改变观念:我们相信可以创造一个世界,让中国的盲人儿童和成年人可以获得更多资源、文化接受度和更高的期望。通过挑战误解和倡导独立性,我们努力建立一个更富有同情心和理解的社会。有关如何支持这个事业的更多信息,请复制并粘贴以下链接,关注成都低视力联盟的微信公众号。 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ITGRUe4HsAH-RI2QbjY7-Q

3. Embracing Adventure: Adventure awaits each time we hit the road! Each time we go out with Lionel, we aim to instill a sense of outdoor exploration. Together, we learn the value of facing challenges head-on and uncover the power of pushing our limits.



Join us on this exhilarating journey of "Hope in Motion”.  Each week I will post new stories about our training that can be found at the top of the page. Together, we'll make every mile count and bring positive change to lives around the world.


“The most beautiful things in the world are not seen, but felt with the heart” –The Little Prince

“世界上最美丽的东西不是被看到的,而是用心去感受到的” - 小王子


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